Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Simple Accessory Switches Can Lighten Your Decor for Summer Days

With winter a fading memory, it’s time to let your home decor fully embrace the light, upbeat spirit of warm weather. Discard those darker hues in your home, and brighten things up a bit! Incorporating lighter-colored accessories is a fast and easy way to brighten the mood in your home. Switching out heavy winter curtains with sheers or replacing a hunting scene wall hanging with something botanical themed is a cost-effective, effortless way to welcome light and nature into your household - and cast out the lingering chilly effects of winter.

Re-accessorize the right way - spend your redecorating dollars on items that will give you the most impact for the lowest monetary investment.  Handyman Matters has a few tips to help get you started:

Switch up wall decor
Giving a room a whole new look can be as easy as taking down a picture and replacing it with something different.

If you're looking to create a brighter, lighter feeling, forego heavy canvases or tapestries, dark colors and large, heavy frames. Opt for nature-inspired wall accents in simple materials like metal and simple styles like lightly framed floral prints. Look for bright colors that bring in the outdoors - grass green, geranium red, marigold yellow and sky blue will accomplish this beautifully. These colors give a complementary pop to virtually any neutral background, plus they'll evoke the upbeat feeling of being outdoors.

Fabric fun
Abundant sunshine is one of the most joyful aspects of warm weather. While heavy drapes can help keep out the cold and dreariness of gray winter days, in summer, they have the opposite effect--they just block your slice of sun. Doff the drapes and give windows a light, airy and optimistic feeling with sheer, frothy fabrics in light hues.

You can find styles and colors to match virtually any taste and decor theme. The key is to choose lightweight fabrics that won't weigh down the windows or block the welcome sunshine. This type of window treatment has a practical side, as well - when the summer sun is so hot that you need to close the blinds, lighter window treatments can help balance the innate visual heaviness of blinds.

Think outside the firebox
It warmed your home and created great ambiance on chilly winter evenings, but come June and July, your fireplace doesn't have to sit idle. It's easy to dress up a wood-burning fireplace and make it fit into your lighter, brighter summer decor theme. Clean the firebox of ash and debris, and place a lush, green fern inside the fireplace. Or you can incorporate the light-hearted feeling of running water by placing an electric-powered fountain inside the fireplace.

Great outdoors
Spending time in your outdoor living space is one of the best treats of summer. The right accessories, furniture and decor can make the time you spend outside feel restful, relaxing and easy - even if you're preparing for a big barbecue feast for friends, family and neighbors.

Outdoor furniture in materials like wicker, accented by colorful cushions, can make your environment feel light and bright. Create movement and a cool atmosphere with fans, misters and fountains. Think beyond the deck or patio and create separate seating areas in attractive spots throughout your landscape. A resin bistro set, designed to mimic the look of white-painted wrought iron, nestled beneath a tree or near a flowerbed can turn an unused spot into a great place to take your morning coffee or afternoon tea.

Cost-effective, simple and easy-to-do changes can make all the difference in how well your decor reflects the easy, breezy days of summer. Click here or call 281-358-6666 to find a location near you and start accessorizing and decorating your home for summer!  

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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